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Warfield (SANG) - Berkshire

The site is a change of use from agricultural land to a new area of open space designed to act as Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) which will mitigate the potential impacts that could arise from new residential developments at Warfield on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA).


Through our residential planning application at ‘Newell Green South’, Warfield, which is a parcel of land within the wider urban extension, the provision for an off-site SANG was required. Recognising a short supply of potential off-site solutions, Harrow purchased agricultural land and set off working through the planning system to change the land use.


In this instance, providing SANG requires the provision of circular walks and links to existing public footpaths and bridleways, together with a range of new habitats and enhanced landscape features.


Harrow also met with representatives of Warfield Parish Council to confirm that the SANG can be accessed from the existing Frost Folly Countryside car park utilising the current vehicular access. As part of the application, the car park would be extended to provide at least 16 additional car parking spaces for the SANG itself.


Given that the SANG area is 12.57 ha, and assuming a mitigation standard of 8 hectares per 1,000 new occupants based upon an average of 2.31 persons per dwelling, the SANG may potentially mitigate the impact of up to 680 new dwellings.

Key Facts

No. Acres: 110

Requirements: Planning and Infrastructure

Date Acquired: January 2016

Previous Classification: Greenfield